Bobbing up again

Well… I have not perished trying to keep up with the seniors in my parents’ community. I did, however, give myself a minor arm injury by knitting 5 scarves in 6 days, so now I’m cut off… no more knitting for me. Boo. :}

We’ve shopped, celebrated holidays, visited friends, taken lots of golf cart rides to view the Christmas lights, cooked lots of good food, and I’ve had some time for reading. I baked gluten-free pound cake muffins today, and they’re delicious! There are treats in the pantry and my sister is due to arrive tonight with her friend. 

I still have 12 days of  vacation left in the sun, and I intend to enjoy them wholeheartedly. But the best thing of all will be when I get home and can see my little buddy again, give him scratches on his belly, and feel his little stout heart beating under my hand. 


My sweet little boy. I miss him and can’t wait to pick him up from my brother’s house, where he’s vacationing. :} 

I absolutely cannot keep up with the senior citizens.

They are killing me. :}  I’ve been down here in Florida for two full days, during which time I’ve been out for basic supplies with mom and dad twice, been to a play, a concert, two parties, knitted a scarf and hand-tied a scarf, watched three episodes of “Cranford”, and been for a golf-cart ride to view the Christmas decorations. Oh, and I made another pound of crystallized ginger this evening, so I can give some as gifts to the neighbors, all of whom  were very solicitous last year when I had broken ribs. 

Tomorrow, at least, starts with relaxation: manicures and pedicures for mom and myself, so we’ll be sharp for the holidays. Then I know not what is planned for the rest of tomorrow. The very thought fills me with foreboding. A jai-alai game? Water aerobics? Horseback riding? Then we save the world? 

I have no idea. All I know is, I can’t keep up the pace. These “frail” senior citizens are kicking my backside. I’m about to drop. :}  Heaven bless them. I clearly need to eat more spinach or drink Ovaltine or something!! lol 

Alright, if I survive tomorrow’s frenetic and demanding pace, I’ll write again to let you know. Whew.