Poetry Month, Day 6: Sad Excuses

Sad Excuses

I forgot a poem was due
So no writing did ensue
My excuse for this is that
On my keister here I sat
Gossiping with chatty neighbors
‘Stead of more cerebral labors
I regret it most sincerely
Please don’t judge me too severely!
Brain too tired to take flight
And thus I wish you all goodnight.

Copyright ©2015 C. Mitchell

My dog adores my neighbor, and she returns the favor.

My dog adores my neighbor, and she returns the favor.

Getting rid of things I don’t need, plus bonus dream fun!!

Two posts in one day?!?!!! (clutching the pearls)

So it occurred to me this morning that I always have deep thoughts in the middle of the night, or in the morning, when I’m still in bed. And I don’t keep my laptop in the bedroom because SLEEP. So all of these prolific ponderings go unrecorded, except as cryptic dictations to the text program in my phone.

At some point during this rumination, my brain pointed out in a slightly acerbic tone that I do have the WP app installed on my phone, which charges by the bed at night.

So, duh.

But also, yay! Because now I can hopefully start recording some of those self-conversations here. Which I could have been doing all along, but we’re not going to talk about that, are we? No.

I continue to have married dreams, including one last night, in which I was re-organizing clothes in the house and Ex was helping… and all I could think was, “why is he here? He’s supposed to be gone! I don’t want to make this work anymore!!” I was overwhelmed by a profound feeling of depression and heaviness. And I think that was a lot of what was going on towards the end, that feeling of leaden spirits and gray days.

Of course, then I found a baby-sized steel-toed work boot that I’d bought on one of our trips, and I was trying to figure out whether I needed to throw it out or not; the purpose of the reorganization was to get rid of deadwood, but the boot was so cute – and it came from a factory in Egypt (or somewhere)! lol Then it turned into a dream about some imaginary neighbors giving me an inflatable life raft (in fact, it was a pop-out life raft with a lot of pop – push a button and the life raft was thirty feet away instantly, and inflated — wait, is that phallic? All inflated things are far away? snort) to give to my parents. I then invited the neighbors to come to dinner at my parents’ house without asking Mom and Dad, and then when we got there, it was Dad’s birthday party and I was in trouble. Oh, dreams, you are so interestingly odd.

It looked almost exactly like this!! But SO TINY

I also had a very cool dream last night about a demonic John Deere tractor, but that is neither here nor there. (It was in Idaho, but I’m trying to stop digressing, so)

Think this, but without the side panels, and the structure all in polished steel with lots of broken, sharp points and no engine but eager to possess your soul. In Idaho.

I begin to think I should start a dream blog.

In any case, this winter has been brutally cold, but we’re getting more sun, so – swings and roundabouts. I’ll take the cold and sun, thanks. I think it’s helping my mood a lot. 😀

Hoping your days are going as well. Mwah!

********** And then I got curious about the origins of the “swings and roundabouts” phrase, and looked it up. As with everything on the internet, it could be a lie; but I like it, so here it is. From a UK answer forum:

The full saying is usually given nowadays as: “What you lose on the roundabouts you gain on the swings” or vice versa. This was a reference, in an old poem, to a showground-owner’s claim.  In other words, on some days the kids would pay to pile onto the swings and provide his income, though the roundabouts were neglected. Obviously, it would be vice versa on other days.  Today, of course, it applies to any such 50/50 or up/down situation.
The poem ‘Roundabouts and Swings’ is by Patrick Chalmers and here are the appropriate lines, after the poet asks the fairground-man what his work is like:

“Said he ‘the job’s the very spit of what it always were,
‘It’s bread and bacon mostly when the dog don’t catch a hare,
‘But looking at it broad, and while it ain’t no merchant kings,
‘What’s lost upon the roundabouts, we pulls up on the swings.”

Considering my grandfather was a carnival barker for a short time, this tickles me. Yes, I’m descended from a part-time carnie. And? 😉 Ooh. “Part-Time Carnies” would be a great band name. Ok. Off to work!

And you said WHAT again, now?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, for which I apologize… I don’t seem to have as many things to say right now, and I’m just lurking on the blogs I read, for which I also apologize. Usually I have a lot to say, but right now, I’m kind of just coasting and taking things in.

Speaking of which.

I was driving home tonight from a teaching job about an hour away from home, and I saw a billboard I *should* have tried to get a photo of, because I can’t find the image online. But I was busy gaping at it, so I was otherwise occupied. Also with driving (snerk).

It had pictures of hamburgers with increasing portions of beef, and the headline was:

That is not what I read.

At first glance, I read:

Then did a double-take and read it again:

Just had time, as I was beginning to chortle incredulously, to look really hard and see the proper headline, which makes much more sense with the photos.

I mean, if a billboard has the headline “BEEF UP YOUR BUM”, I would expect something more interesting than just *food*. :}